Thursday 21 April 2016

3 Minute Wonder Proposal

3MW- 'Comic Look' Documentary Proposal

My 3MW concept is to show to evolution and history of comic books and how they have become a popular adaptation craze. I intend to get several opinions from different points of view, whether it be for or against adaptations and why. I would like to throw many different questions at the people we interview to get several sides of each point, so maybe ask what adaptations they like, what comics they read and why they get into comic book concepts.

I want my documentary to contain shots of all things comics, whether it be comic books, DVD cases, figures or models and posters in order to set the scene for the content we will be sharing throughout. I want to film in a shop in the local are called 'Outer Limits', to get a few shots of different merchandise to show the scale of the comic book industry.

The documentary is in the expository format because we intend to have a voice over that gives facts about the topic, and we won't include our opinions inside the voice over. The opinions will be given by the people we interview. The genre is special interest (comic books) because it includes a specific topic and the views surrounding that one particular subject.

My primary target audience will be 10-20 years (but can appeal to younger or older) because its based around comics and younger people are the people who tend to read, watch and play comic related things. Despite this, it could also appeal to some older people because they could have read comics when they were first around and have lived through the evolution of them, so older people will be my secondary audience.

The aim of my documentary will be to make people think about the ways comic book adaptations can effect the comic industry and whether it is positive or negative. I also hope to get comic books back to their roots and allow old and new readers to enjoy comics in their original form, without effecting the new industry that has spawned from them in the decade.

In order to film this 3 minute wonder, I will need to film in 5 different locations; Ellie Buchan's house, East Norfolk Sixth Form, Outer Limits, Hollywood Cinema and

In the production, there will be me and Macaulay Moran for the crew, as well as Ellie Buchan for one scene. We will also use 3 people to interview. Richard White, Kain Brown and Frank Dobson.

During the documentary, we will ask our interviewees questions such as:

What is your opinion on comic book adaptations?
What adaptations do you like the most/least?
What characters do you like most/least?
What adaptation mediums do you like most/least?

For 'Comic Look', the equipment we will need is a DSLR, SD card, Tripod, 50mm lens, boom pole and microphone. For props we will need comic books/graphic novels, POP: Vinyls, figurines and other comic book merchandise but no costumes are needed for the production of 'Comic Look'.

Our speculated budget for the making of this 3 minute wonder is £5 or less. This will be used on transport if needed, as well as the props that we will be using in our cut away shots throughout.

After pitching this idea to Josh, we have decided to keep the interview from Kain Brown out of the final piece, as it could be of poor quality due to his inexperience in the topic. As well as this, we came up with a few ideas for graphics we could use throughout the 3MW, such as the lower third boxes being comic book panels. This will give the finished piece a more comic book feel and look to it.

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