Wednesday 2 December 2015

Pitch Feedback and Reflections


Throughout my pitch, I felt that my confidence grew the more I spoke. I think that this allowed me to project my voice more effectively and explain my ideas thoroughly. The information I gave was both detailed and interesting, therefore I noticed the audience was constantly engaged with me. I think the style and aesthetics of my presentation were also a key factor for how the audience received it, as it was clear, slick and consistent.

If I were to do this presentation again I think I would change the pace of my speech as I feel that I spoke too fast at several points throughout the presentation, which could lessen the effectiveness of whats being said and lose the audience's attention, I remember that I also used some...'inappropriate' language a couple of times in the pitch whenever I messed up or something went wrong with the computer, so I would also stop myself from using these kinds of words to make it more professional.

After I finished my pitch, I received feedback, both negative and positive, from the class.

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