Wednesday 25 November 2015

Peer Pitch and Feedback on Tester Presentation

Today, I presented my Unilever presentation to my peers to receive some constructive criticism in order to improve it's final outcome.

The feedback points I was given:

  • Slow my speech down
  • Change my font size
  • Reduce the number of times I say certain words
  • Change the tone of my voice throughout
  • Sort out the hyperlinks in the presentation 
  • Cut down the running time of the whole presentation
In regards to this feedback, I am going to change everything that was mentioned to ensure an entertaining and more interesting presentation. I feel that all the points I was given were valid and vital to making my presentation better as a whole. The running time was way too long and took over 10 minutes to fully present and the font included was too small to read from a distance which would have negatively impacted anyone sitting more than 2 feet away from the screen. I plan to make my voice more appealing throughout the presentation so that nobody gets bored at the sound of it, by varying tone and pitch. The hyperlinks in my presentation were messed up as they opened the video in Internet Explorer, instead of Google Chrome, which resulted in the links not opening properly or at some points, not at all.

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