Song Research
The duration of this song is 2:51 minutes and throughout this time, we follow a single character make his way through life, picking up girls. The genre of the song is a mix between happy and light classical, Folk, Jazz and and Blues, which is a contrast to the adult and somewhat dark nature of the song. Due to the genres, this song is quite fast paced. There are varied paces throughout the song, but the song never really slows down too much. When the lyrics 'I roam around around around' the pace picks up in and the lyrics are said in beat with the music.

The overall meaning of this song is showing how some men treat women. The song goes into detail about moving from one woman to the next without considering their emotions or what damage it can do to a person. In the lyrics, a line says 'I go through life without a care' which suggests this character has no responsibilities and does what he wants, when he wants. It also says 'With my two iron fists'. This line gives good metaphorical imagery of his emotional state- he is cold and hard like metal.
Artist Research

The artist of the song 'The Wanderer' is Dion DiMucci who is an Italian-American singer from New York. The main style of clothing he wears in videos and performances, is from what we can tell from the black and white footage, is a black suit with a white shirt, but no tie. This is noticeable as most other people in the 'The Wanderer' music video are all wearing bow-ties or ties. This is due to the song and video being recorded in the early 60's. This was the main fashion around this period, therefore Dion would have worn this to fit in and impress the audience. A majority of his songs including 'The Wanderer', 'Runaround Sue' and 'Wonder Why' are all shot and performed in front of a live audience. This is unique, as most artists like to how interesting visuals accompanying his songs, but Dion prefers his charm, looks and talent as well as audience appreciation to act as his visuals.
A lot of Dion's songs are based around women in some way, such as 'A Teenager in Love' and 'The Wanderer'. This could be a way of him releasing relationship stress or revealing personal traits. The tones of these videos are quite upbeat and joyful, until the lyrics are broken down and analysed. Due to his charm and high pace, happy beat music, the audience doesn't really take in the lyrics and just enjoys the happy environment of the crowd.
My video will follow one nameless character who wakes up in bed next to a girl and decides to leave before she wakes up. We see him walk down the street with a smug smile on his face and a confident stride in his walk. He puts on his dark shades even though its not that sunny. He pulls out his phone and we see that he has texts messages from several different women asking where he is and saying they love him at the lyrics 'Oh well there's Flo on my left and there's Mary on my right And Janie is the girl that I'll be with tonight'.
As he passes an attractive women he does a little dance with her and spins her around before walking off. We see him pass through different towns as the lyrics say 'Oh well I roam from town to town'. As he is walking through a town, he sees a woman put a drink down and check their bag- our character steals her drink while she isn't looking and continues to walk on as the lyrics say 'I go through life without a care'.
We will have a stop motion shot of a toy car driving around a globe as the lyrics say 'I hop right into that car of mine and ride around the world, Yeah I'm the wanderer, yeah the wanderer'
Some of these parts will be repeated in similar, but not identical locations when the chorus is playing, such as the 'I roam from town to town'.
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