Thursday 12 May 2016

The Nature and Purposes of Research


Primary Research

Primary research is the information you find first hand through various means such as interviews, questionnaires and observations. Interviews are good first hand research because they allow outside opinions from people that could be knowledgeable about the topic, to be put in to the collection of data, therefore making it more objective and factual. The same goes for questionnaires; it gives a chance for larger groups of people to have an in put, although this way is more controlled and often includes less variation in answers as a result of the questions being asked. Observations can also be used to collect information, despite it being the least objective in my opinion. This is due to observations being left open to the interpretation of the researcher and in turn makes the data more bias and less objective.

For my 3 minute wonder I decided to release a survey online and allow the responses to roll in. This worked well because I got a mixed response from various genders, ages and groups of people which allowed my results to be more objective and unbiased. I chose to use a survey because I have used them on other projects and it always gave me the results I was looking for to make the best product possible. I feel that in the future I will use other types of research, such as interviews, in order to open up the possibilities of the answers I get.

Create your own user feedbac
k survey

Secondary Research

Secondary research is a form of finding information from a source such as a book, blog posts, videos and magazines. These sources are good to use because you can find many of them on the same topic and gain a larger set of opinions and gain more information from a wider range of people that are often important or knowledgeable about the subject. Although they can be useful, secondary sources can be ineffective as they could be biased, edited to portray a certain view or they can be completely false.

For our secondary research, we looked on Google and found several posts on the topic of comic book adaptations. A post from 'Screencrush' showed a complete history of comic book movies that gave a huge variety of films to further research, as well as dates and names of directors. One other post we looked at, listed the 10 of the most popular adaptations adaptations and included many different genres which allowed a wider opinion and view set to be given. This gave me an idea of the type of variation I should add to the content of my documentary.  As well as this, it gives facts and statistics on the amount it made at the box office, as well as production budgets, to use within the documentary. This would make it more objective and truthful for the audience as there would be actual evidence to form an opinion from.

Quantitative Research

Quantitative Research is research that results in numerical data and is shown in graphs. Examples would be box office numbers, revenue and other sales. One advantage of quantitative research is that it is unable to be bias and it is very easy and quick to read. Another advantage is that the research can be studied, analysed and compared. This is useful because media companies can find different information such as a rise in popularity or a spike in profits. Despite this, quantitative research does not show the personal, emotional or opinions into consideration when the data is taken in. 

During our research period, I used the questionnaire to gather all my data. The numbers showed that my primary audience are between 15 and 20. This matches my original idea of what the audience of my documentary would be, as I said ages between 11-20. As well as this, the website I used gave percentages for how many people chose a certain answer, so I could accurately choose the most popular topics to base my documentary on. My data showed that people read multiple of the options I gave. This gave me the ability to put a lot of related things into my documentary and base it on a variety of different comic content.

Qualitative Research

Qualitative research is a method of inquiry that is used to obtain the reasons behind opinions or motivations. This is a decent method of research because it allows the full truth to be shown and explored but the access to the meanings behind a persons opinions can skew the researchers own ideas and therefore make the information biased and nonobjective.

My questionnaire allowed us to get some qualitative research. It gave us explanations behind the answers we got and allowed us to stretch our understanding and put some more personal meaning behind the information we gained. Next time we do research of this type, I would like to make sure we get more replies that are in depth and go into more detail.

Data Gathering Agencies 

Data gathering agencies are the companies that obtain, review and use ratings and other data. A few agencies that do this are BARB or Rotten Tomatoes. BARB figures allow people to search for information about a certain TV show or other media, such as TV ratings and views, whereas sites like Rotten Tomatoes allows people visiting the site to search for a specific show or film and look at statistics like how much it grossed at the box office and the public's opinion on it.


Audience and Market Research

Audience data, competitor analysis and demographics are all examples of market and audience research. This type of research is vital to companies to ensure their products improve and mold to its users needs.

For my audience and market research I used Surveymonkey to gather information about the way my audience would like to see a documentary on the topic of comic book adaptations, to be formed. As well as this, we spent some time looking online on various pages to see what some of the most popular comic book adaptations and characters were, in order to allow us to mention or include them within the 3MW.

The audience research we received told us that our main demographic were teenagers (12-18) which was what our original plan was going to be. As well as this, we were able to get opinions on the topic of adaptations as well as the characters they include. This helped us to make some more decisions on the content we should and shouldn't include.

Production Research

Production research includes things such as finance, finding locations and looking at technological resources. This kind of research ensures the production goes smoothly when it comes to filming. 

For my production research we looked at several locations such as Outer Limits and Hollywood Cinema, as possible shooting locations but although we didn't end up using Hollywood Cinema, we did use Outer Limits. In addition to this, we also calculated how much of the £5 budget we would have to spend in order to get a few comics and such things for props. For the equipment side of things, we checked to see what was available and we got everything we needed apart from there were no 50mm lenses left for the week we were shooting, but despite this we made do and chose other equipment to make up for it.

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