Thursday 4 February 2016

TV Advertisement Evaluation

Create your own user feedback survey


For this section of the course we were asked to create an advert for our chosen brand and use one of our group's ideas to do so. For our product we chose to re-brand and advertise Lynx. To do this, we changed the target audience to an older generation around 60-75 years old and added a classier, more old fashioned spin on the products advertisement. We aimed it at older men, so they would buy it for themselves, although our secondary audience was women or younger people who would buy it for their husbands, fathers or other family members.

To collect my feedback, I created an online survey and sent the link to friends and family to get their feedback. I made the survey on In total I got 10 responses, all with varied points of feedback. Some of the positive feedback I got referred to the clarity of the advert, the choice to using black and white as well as the use of classical music. Despite this, some of the negative feedback I received spoke about how the music was too loud compared to the rest of the advert (although the could depend on the device the video is watched on) and the overall length of the advert. People said the video was way too long for a  TV advert, which made people lose interest throughout.

My advert was aimed to present the product Lynx as a classy and old fashioned. I think this would have gained the interest of my older target audience because many elderly people prefer the older days compared to now and to highlight this, I added the slogan 'takes you back to the good old days'. So in conclusion I do think that this advert managed to get the message across to the audience we chose in our specifications during pre-production.

The audience responded well to my choice to using black and white, which is a positive thing as it allows us to keep the sense of class and older fashioned film to engage our target audience. My audience felt that this colour scheme added depth to the advert and suited the my target audience as it suggests the older generation. The editing style of the video was slow paced, which mimicked the elegance of the product. As well as this, each shot we took was executed with as much precision and attention to detail as possible in order to make each of those shots memorable for the audience, therefore keeping the product in their head. For the sound, we used a slow, classy jazz song played from a record player, along with the crackling sound from the record player to give the second half of the video that old fashioned edge we were trying to portray and for the most part, the audience thought that this choice of music worked well with our new ideas for the product.. As well as this, the classy music compliments how we were trying to promote Lynx as being a sophisticated product for the older generation. In the background of the video, we included a Christmas tree because around the time of filming, it was the Christmas period and we thought we could subliminally advertise Lynx as being a product to by your grandfather of father for Christmas.

Overall, my survey shows that around 50% of the people that watched the advert felt more compelled to buy the product after viewing the video, 8% said they felt less compelled to buy it and 40% said their opinion on purchasing Lynx hadn't changed. These results tell me that the audience that took the survey were interested in the product and as we have re-branded it, my new version could get rid of the sexist and sexual nature of previous Lynx advertisements, as well as the fact that more people would now like to buy the product, meaning my advert was successful in promoting Lynx. The 50% that said they would buy the product were 12-18, which is my target secondary audience. This is good because these people would now more likely buy the product for their grandparents or parents. I think I should redo the survey and get some opinions and feedback from elderly people of mixed ages and genders to get the most accurate data from my primary audience.

In our advert we used different techniques to persuade our audience to purchase the product, such as stimulating desire by promoting it as a way to take them back to the good old days, as well as advertising by associating it with culture and somewhat luxurious lifestyles. We done this by having the classy music and expensive drink being used in the second half of the video as well as having a large portion of the video in black and white, which for elderly people might be nostalgic. These techniques would have worked well because a lot of my target audience prefer or desire the older generation's lifestyle and culture, therefore promoting at being able to give them a breath of those times will be a substantial selling point. My survey suggests that the people that did take the survey were influenced by the contents of the advert, implying that these techniques did in fact work in the way we anticipated prior to the release of the video.

Our message we attempted to send to our audience was that Lynx would be able to give them a taste of the good old days. We advertised this by putting the half of the video that was meant to grab the attention and attract the desire of our audience, in black and white as well as making it seem more sophisticated and chic through clothing and music. The advert is also silent, which worked with these elements as it could remind our audience of silent films from their generation gaining that yearning factor for the 'good old days'. As well as this, like I mentioned before, we used a Christmas tree in the background to silently promote the product as an ideal Christmas gift for our audience or anyone that felt compelled to buy it.

The outcome of my adverts responses make me feel that the video did work well in its challenge to advertise Lynx as a product for the older generation. A large percentage of the responses were positive in nature, giving me confidence in my advert's capability. The negative comments we received will go on to help better future projects. In relation to the BCAP code, we effectively changed our original idea to have our actor smoke to having him drink (which is allowed by this code) and also includes nothing that promotes actions that could harm the audience or anyone around them. The advert also obeys the rules of ASA, which says that the advert should not be misleading or lie to gain sales or promotion, which my advert does not do.

Personal Reflection

My advert, to me, compares near identically with the image and idea I came up with weeks before. The shot list we created played a big part in the filming part of the production process, as we used 90% of all the angles and shots we listed. In addition to this, the storyboard we drew is pretty much the same as the video, shot by shot- a few were left out to shorten the video or due to other difficulties, but the base shots and multiple unique shots stayed true to the ideas we had come up with. The feedback I got was a lot of help, as it enabled me to pick out the good and bad of the video and has given me ideas and things to improve on for second drafts of the video and/or future videos I produce. I think that the advert was very effective in promoting the product Lynx as being for the older generation, as we included many different aspects that can be the interests of a spectrum of different types of people. If I were to make the video again, I would improve many things such as better lighting, sustained sound volume and adding new unique shot concepts to make the video more entertaining and memorable. Through the whole production process, I feel we all worked well as a team. My part in this process was equal to the others in the group- I had my share of camera time and editing time. My part in the pre-production side of the task was large, as I drew up half of the story boards and had to get the talent sheets signed by family that were acting in the video.

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